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Your FIRST CHOICE for Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Materials Testing

Leading Oklahoma in Geotechnical Engineering With Integrity and Quality for over 20 years

Contact us today to discuss your geotechnical engineering needs or request a quote.

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Midwest Engineering and Testing Corporation is here to serve Oklahoma and the surrounding areas. We provide innovative solutions in the construction sector

  • Geotechnical Engineering, 

  • Construction Materials Testing

  • Consulting


Geotechnical Engineering image


Men discussing blue prints and plans


Materials Testing in progress

Materials Testing

Engineering for the world


Engineering for the world |

Large rotating world

Who We Are

Midwest Engineering and Testing Corporation’s mission is to provide sound engineering solutions to construction-related engineering projects through the implementation of innovative and practical engineering principles. We are committed to providing quality engineering consulting and testing services while maintaining a superior level of customer service. In pursuit of our goal, we resolve to fairly balance the needs of our customers, employees, and investors.

METCO offers exceptional customer service and a certified team with over 100 years of combined experience. We provide solid foundations and settlement analysis, guiding you through Oklahoma's unique soil conditions with confidence.

Ensure your next project is built on solid ground.

Contact us today to discuss your geotechnical engineering needs or request information.